2021 Update and Holiday Greeting
It’s that time of year once again! On behalf of the flock, volunteers, and leadership, we wish you all happy holidays and hope that you and your families are all happy and healthy. As the year draws to a close, we are reflecting on our accomplishments in 2021 and want to share our hopes and plans for next year with you.

2021 certainly brought its share of upheaval for nonprofits everywhere, with unfamiliar and daunting challenges. Results from a summer study conducted by the Nonprofit Finance Fund showed almost 60% of nonprofit organizations across the US faced conditions that threatened their long-term financial security. In Minnesota alone, nearly 200 nonprofits were forced to close.
MAARS remains eternally grateful for the support you have provided throughout the year that kept us from becoming part of that startling statistic. Our flock continues to entirely depend on your kindness, whether in the form of goods, funds, or time.
Conservation Efforts & Education Outreach
While numerous factors contribute to the decline of parrot populations worldwide, Psittaciformes continue to be the most threatened of all avian genera. We remain dedicated to wild parrot conservation by backing projects that restore habitat, legislation addressing trafficking and breeding on national and international levels, and supporting efforts that focus on the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of confiscated birds back into their native habitats.
We also continued our efforts to educate future generations of veterinary professionals and advocates of avian welfare and husbandry by focusing on why most parrots are rehomed or placed into rescue and the ethics of keeping non-domesticated animals in captivity.

Exciting news: for the first time in more than 30 years, the USDA is reconsidering parrots for federal regulations under the Animal Welfare Act – we strongly shared our support with the USDA. If these regulations are approved, it could mean dramatic improvements in the care and welfare standards of parrots living in the US.

New Flock Members

The pandemic forced a pause on many of our routine projects, so we renewed concentration on our core mission: providing birds with a safe and stable lifetime home, extending our reach with new flock members.
So far, 16 new birds have joined the flock: Moluccan Cockatoos Pidge, Apricot, and Billy; Goffin’s Cockatoos Sassy, Blizzard, and Flurry; Woodstock, a Sun Conure; and cockatiels Eddie, Rudy, Max, Anastasia, Mama, Papa, Brother Bear, Sweetpea, and Gilly. We plan to welcome more birds as the year comes to a close.
2022 Fundraising

Fundraising in 2022 will focus on spring and fall online auctions again. These fundraisers have proven very successful for us, and we are grateful to all who donated items or participated in the auction events.
We hope you will continue following our website and Facebook pages, as we will announce details on upcoming auctions there first.
We began our #SpreadOurWings campaign in 2019, igniting the process to find a new sanctuary facility. In 2020, we strengthened our investment in our current facility by focusing on building improvements.
The next step, sourcing a new site option, began in 2021, though the hot real estate market has proven challenging.

We are taking our time on this critical decision, patiently scouting the perfect location because of the long-term impacts on the flock and volunteers, and will continue this part of the process in 2022.
The MAARS Mission and Your Support
Though the upcoming year holds a lot of uncertainty for everyone, our tireless drive to raise public awareness of the crisis wild birds face in captivity will never change. We will continue to provide the best long-term care possible for our flock.
We know we can count on your continuing support through one-time and recurring donations of money, goods, and time. Please visit our website for more information on how to donate, and to read more about the MAARS flock.
None of this is possible without you – words cannot adequately express our gratitude.

As always, our deepest thanks for your continued support, and may your holiday season be filled with joy!
Galiena Cimperman
Executive Director

Support the Flock
Support the flock by purchasing unique holiday gifts from the flock including the 2022 Flock calendar, original paintings, new prints, and new greeting cards. 100% of the profits from the sales of items purchased through MAARS go directly to providing care for the MAARS flock.
You can also assist MAARS’ mission by making a tax-deductible donation, following us on Facebook and supporting our Bird of the Month, choosing MAARS as your designated charity through Amazon’s Smile program or through your sales on eBay for Charity, shopping through iGive, GoodShop, or providing food for the flock at Nuts.com.