2014 Update and Holiday Greeting

2014 Update and Holiday Greeting


Sully, Goffin's Cockatoo

Sully, Goffin’s Cockatoo, In Flight

2014 has been a truly amazing year for MAARS and we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our supporters for helping us reach our goals.

In the past year, we have achieved many things including putting in new flooring in almost one-quarter of the bird rooms. We have also placed a variety of hanging and floor play gyms throughout the sanctuary for our flock to forage, climb, and of course, chew on. We have continued our outreach programs by hosting groups from local high schools and grade schools, teaching the next generation about not only the plight of captive parrots but also about their counterparts in their country of origin. This effort has expanded our volunteering options and helped us reach a much larger audience by also inviting family members and friends along to help the students with their projects.

We hope to make 2015 even bigger and more successful with your continued support. A few of our plans in the coming year include; working to complete our flooring project, taking on the installation of new windows in our bird rooms, upgrading our walk-in cockatiel enclosures, and continuing to find new ways to enrich and upgrade our sanctuary to provide our flock with the highest quality of life possible.

Wishing you a season filled with love, happiness & health, from our flock to yours,
Galiena Cimperman
Executive Director MAARS