
Pippin & Bubbles

While it wasn’t exactly love at first sight, Bubbles and Pippin have grown very close. Often preening or finding a bit of trouble together, or even telling the humans to leave their room in deafening tandem pitch, these two may look like an odd couple, but they complement one another perfectly. 

Bubbles’ story is unfortunately too familiar – he arrived at The Landing several years ago as a young conure with his green-cheek conure friend; they were surrendered when their guardian’s health took a severe turn for the worse. Not only did he lose his human, but a short time later his friend died as well. Though more conures arrived at the sanctuary, he didn’t choose to buddy up with them as we hoped.

Occasionally MAARS has taken in new residents when one of our flock needs a companion. Pippin was transferred from another rescue to hopefully bond with another Amazon who had lost his mate. After a few excellent sessions, the birds ultimately rejected each other, leaving no possibility to recover their potential relationship.

Despite our best matchmaking efforts, sometimes we fail. The birds are happier when they can choose their friends and mates, though the humans monitor these novel interactions for safety. While a relationship like Bubbles and Pippin’s is potentially dangerous given their size difference, their alliance developed organically with mutual respect. If we look past their differences, it’s easy to see they make a perfect pair.

Pippin is a medium-sized parrot, the cost for her food, medicine, and toys is approximately $40 a month or $480 a year. Bubbles is a Jenday Conure, a small parrot whose costs for food, medicine, and toys are approx. $25/month or $300 per year.  If you would like to contribute to their health and well-being, please click. Thank you! 

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